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Megtanulják, hogyan kell kiejteni Colocasia esculenta

Colocasia esculenta

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Colocasia esculenta fonetikus írásmódja

colocasia esculenta
Co-locasia es-cu-lenta
Colo-ca-sia es-cu-lenta
koll-uh-KAY-zee-uh ess-kew-LEN-tuh

Jelentése Colocasia esculenta

Colocasia esculenta is a tropical plant grown primarily for its edible corms, the root vegetables most commonly known as taro.
Figyelj Colocasia esculenta is a tropical plant grown primarily for its edible corms, the root vegetables most commonly known as taro. kiejtés

Szinonimák Colocasia esculenta

Wiki tartalma Colocasia esculenta

Példák egy mondatban

How to Plant Colocasia Esculenta
Figyelj How to Plant Colocasia Esculenta kiejtés
Potting Soil Mix for Growing Colocasia Esculenta
Figyelj Potting Soil Mix for Growing Colocasia Esculenta kiejtés

Fordítások Colocasia esculenta

Trend hír Colocasia esculenta

Potting Soil Mix for Growing Colocasia Esculenta
Figyelj Potting Soil Mix for Growing Colocasia Esculenta kiejtés
Colocasia esculenta, commonly known as taro or elephant ears, is a lush topical plant that is available in hundreds of different cultivars. When growing this decorative plant, keep it indoor..Cikk megtekintése
image-unavailable SFGate
How to Plant Colocasia Esculenta
Figyelj How to Plant Colocasia Esculenta kiejtés
Commonly known as elephant's ear, Colocasia esculenta is a sturdy tropical perennial distinguished by its huge, splashy leaves in colors ranging from bright chartreuse to greenish-purple ...
image-unavailable SFGate

Hozzáadás Colocasia esculenta részletek

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