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Megtanulják, hogyan kell kiejteni antimicrobial


Figyelj antimicrobial kiejtés
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Kiejtés antimicrobial 2 audio mutatása
Figyelj antimicrobial kiejtés 1
7 értékelések
Figyelj antimicrobial kiejtés 2
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ipa : æntɪmaɪˈkrəʊbɪəl
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antimicrobial videó kiejtése Angol-ben

antimicrobial fonetikus írásmódja

an-tee-mahy-kroh-bee-uh l

Jelentése antimicrobial

It refers to something that hinders the growth of micro-organisms and kills it.

Szinonimák antimicrobial

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Példák egy mondatban

Novel paper-based sensor to detect antimicrobial pollutants
Figyelj Novel paper-based sensor to detect antimicrobial pollutants kiejtés
Polypharmakos and CABI to develop new antimicrobial products from CABI Culture Collection
Figyelj Polypharmakos and CABI to develop new antimicrobial products from CABI Culture Collection kiejtés
Pithohirolide, an antimicrobial tetradepsipeptide from a fungus Pithomyces chartarum
Figyelj Pithohirolide, an antimicrobial tetradepsipeptide from a fungus Pithomyces chartarum kiejtés
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Market 2020 - 2027 Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Scope, Top Key Players
Figyelj Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Market 2020 - 2027 Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Scope, Top Key Players kiejtés
Vyv Announces Groundbreaking Inactivation And Killing Of Viruses With Its UV-free Antimicrobial Light Technology
Figyelj Vyv Announces Groundbreaking Inactivation And Killing Of Viruses With Its UV-free Antimicrobial Light Technology kiejtés
Térkép több kevesebb Mondat

Fordítások antimicrobial

Trend hír antimicrobial

Novel paper-based sensor to detect antimicrobial pollutants
Figyelj Novel paper-based sensor to detect antimicrobial pollutants kiejtés
Chennai, May 4 (IANS) Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) have developed a paper-based sensor that can detect antimicrobial pollutants, which induce antimicrobial..Cikk megtekintése
image-unavailable Sify.com
Antimicrobial Wipes Market
Figyelj Antimicrobial Wipes Market kiejtés
The global “Antimicrobial Wipes Market” statistical surveying record is an inescapable analysis record that contacts probably the most crucial portions of the Antimicrobial Wipes platform th..Cikk megtekintése
image-unavailable The Sentinel
New Paper-based Sensor Helps Detect Antimicrobial Pollutants
Figyelj New Paper-based Sensor Helps Detect Antimicrobial Pollutants kiejtés
A new paper-based sensor developed by Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) researchers detects antimicrobial pollutants, which induce antimicrobial resistance in water bodies. This s..Cikk megtekintése
image-unavailable Medindia
Antimicrobial Coatings Market Size to Reach Revenues of around USD 6 Billion by 2026 - Arizton
Figyelj Antimicrobial Coatings Market Size to Reach Revenues of around USD 6 Billion by 2026 - Arizton kiejtés
Hence, to protect mankind from being infected, antimicrobial coatings are applied to the materials. Natural antimicrobials preserve food from spoilage, such as plants that contain edible oil..Cikk megtekintése
image-unavailable PR Newswire
Global Antimicrobial Adhesives Market Size, Share, Value, And Competitive Landscape 2021-2026
Figyelj Global Antimicrobial Adhesives Market Size, Share, Value, And Competitive Landscape 2021-2026 kiejtés
The Antimicrobial Adhesives market report provides a detailed analysis of global market size, regional and country-level market size, segmentation market growth, market share, competitive La..Cikk megtekintése
MarketWatch MarketWatch
Térkép több kevesebb Hírek

Hozzáadás antimicrobial részletek

Antonímák a antimicrobial

Melyik a Robert Boyle pontos kiejtése?

raw buhtbaoyl
raow buhtboyl
raw buhtboyl
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