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Megtanulják, hogyan kell kiejteni Battle of the Somme

Battle of the Somme

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Figyelj Battle of the Somme kiejtés 1
2 értékelések
Figyelj Battle of the Somme kiejtés 2
1 értékelés
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Battle of the Somme fonetikus írásmódja

Bat-tle of the Somme
battle of the somme

Jelentése Battle of the Somme

battle in World War I (1916)
battle of World War II (1944)

Szinonimák Battle of the Somme

Példák egy mondatban

Way We Were: Alfred Lench's letter from the Battle of the Somme during World ...
Graham Lench talks to Colette Warbrook about his grandfather, Sgt Alfred Lench, who survived the Battle of the Somme"MY grandad, Alfred Lench, was a regular soldier before the First World War broke out," says Graham, aged 78, of Cedar Avenue, Talke
Way We Were: Alfred Lench's letter from the Battle of the Somme...
Way We Were: The Battle of the Somme and World War 1

Fordítások Battle of the Somme

Hozzáadás Battle of the Somme részletek

Antonímák a Battle of the Somme

Melyik a Eddie murray pontos kiejtése?

ehh-de muhh-re
eh-tee muh-rii
eh-dee muh-ree
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