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Megtanulják, hogyan kell kiejteni commoner


Figyelj commoner kiejtés
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ipa : ˈkɒmənə
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Szinonimák commoner

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Példák egy mondatban

Smilax, clematis, honeysuckle and woodbine are the commoner forest vines.
The commoner sorts of rock in the several Huronian systems are quartzite and slate (ranging from shale to schist); bi~t limestone is not wanting, and igneous rocks, both intrusive and extrtisive, some metamorphic and some not, abound.
Later the commoner antithesis is between Ionian and Dorian, first (probably) in the colonial regions of Asia Minor, and later more universally.
Among the commoner of the galls of the Cynipidae are the oak-apple or oak-sponge of Andricus terminalis, Fab.; the currant or berry galls of Spathegaster baccarum, L., above mentioned; and the oak-spangles of Neuroterus lenticularis, 9 Oliv., generally reputed to be fungoid growt

Fordítások commoner

Hozzáadás commoner részletek

Jelentése commoner
Antonímák a commoner

Hogyan kell kiejteni slavish?

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