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Megtanulják, hogyan kell kiejteni dawning


Figyelj dawning kiejtés
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IPA valamint Fonetikus helyesírás
ipa : ˈdɔːnɪŋ
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vagy kiejteni a különböző akcentussal

dawning fonetikus írásmódja


Jelentése dawning

It is a verb that denotes after the night.

Szinonimák dawning

Tudjon meg többet a szót, "dawning" az eredetét, alternatív formák használata a Wikiszótár.

Példák egy mondatban

The sound of the heavy firing coming from the eastward convinced him of what had been gradually dawning on him - that with barely 30,000 men he was in the presence of the whole French army, whose attitude at this moment sufficiently indicated their determination to fight.
So far only is it possible to speak with certainty, but it is permissible to take a few steps into the twilight of dawning knowledge and indicate the chief subdivisions which are likely to be established in the great crust-hollow and the great crust-heap. The boundary between these should obviously
We wait, however, for the Epistles of his captivity at Rome to find the full meaning of the idea of the church dawning u p on his imagination.
Was, in his eyes, merely a new attempt to build up afresh the theocracy of the middle ages upon the ruins of the old monarchies, utilizing to this end the inexperience of the young and easily beguiled democracies of the dawning 20th century.
Morgan seems to have discerned the dawning of a truer and better method than the others.
Térkép több kevesebb Mondat

Fordítások dawning

Hozzáadás dawning részletek

Antonímák a dawning

Melyik a Albert Ellis (footballer) pontos kiejtése?

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