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Megtanulják, hogyan kell kiejteni demoralized


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demoralized fonetikus írásmódja


Jelentése demoralized

It is a verb term that means the courage to continue doing something.

Szinonimák demoralized

Tudjon meg többet a szót, "demoralized" az eredetét, alternatív formák használata a Wikiszótár.

Példák egy mondatban

The Swedish infantry was well nigh annihilated, while the 14,000 cavalry, exhausted and demoralized, surrendered two days later at Perevolochna on Dnieper.
The broken and demoralized army, its ranks thinned by fever and sickness, at last began its hopeless retreat, attempting to reach Catania by a circuitous route; but, harassed by the numerous Syracusan cavalry and darters, after a few days of dreadful suffering, it was forced to lay down its arms. Th
Internally, however, it was rapidly declining, the once chaste and hardy Vandals being demoralized by the fervid climate of Africa and the sinful delights of their new capital, and falling ever lower into sloth, effeminacy and vice.
The expedition to San Domingo reduced the republican army to a nullity; war demoralized or scattered the leaders, who were jealous of their comrade Bonaparte; and Moreau, the last of his rivals, cleverly compromised in a royalist plot, as Danton had formerly been by Robespierre, disappeared into exi
From this time forward the English, ruined, demoralized and weakened both by the death of the duke of Bedford and the beginnings of the Wars of the Roses, continued to lose territory on every recurrence of conflict.

Fordítások demoralized

Hozzáadás demoralized részletek

Antonímák a demoralized

Melyik a Anthony Albanese pontos kiejtése?

ann-thuhh-ne al-buh-neez
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an-thuh-nee al-buh-neez
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