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Megtanulják, hogyan kell kiejteni disjointed


Figyelj disjointed kiejtés
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(1 Szavazás)
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Kiejtés disjointed 1 audio mutatása
Figyelj disjointed kiejtés 1
0 értékelés
IPA valamint Fonetikus helyesírás
ipa : dɪsˈʤɔɪntɪd
Rekordot, majd hallgasd meg a kiejtést
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vagy kiejteni a különböző akcentussal

disjointed fonetikus írásmódja


Jelentése disjointed

Disjointed is an American television sitcom comedy film directed by David Javerbaum and released in 2017.

Szinonimák disjointed

Tudjon meg többet a szót, "disjointed" az eredetét, alternatív formák használata a Wikiszótár.

Példák egy mondatban

More serious were the plans and the attempts of Charles of Anjou and Louis IX., in which the Crusades may be said to have finally ended, save for sundry disjointed epilogues in the 14th and 15th centuries.
It had no symbolic significance, just bothersome disjointed sequences that lacked a relevant theme.
In its systematized form, as a branch of botanical study, it is of recent date, and, as now understood, the subject first received special attention about 1850, when the nature of parasitism began to be intelligible; but many disjointed references to diseased conditions of plants had appeared long b
Gabe made his way through the narrow alleys and disjointed walkways that wound like a maze through the market.

Fordítások disjointed

Hozzáadás disjointed részletek

Antonímák a disjointed

Hogyan kell kiejteni Wenatchee?

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