Preview (10 questions)
1 Question
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How many animal mummies have been discovered in Egypt?

Approximately 100,000

Over one million

Around 50,000

Less than 10,000

2 Question
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Which animal mummies are most commonly found in ancient Egypt?




Sacred ibises

3 Question
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Radiocarbon dating of Egyptian ibis mummies suggests they date from which time period?

1000–500 BC

1500–1000 BC

450–250 BC

500–550 BC

4 Question
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Which site contains the oldest known deliberate mummies, dating around 5050 BC?

Spirit Cave, Nevada

Camarones Valley, Chile

Cueva de las Momias, Argentina

Valley of the Kings, Egypt

5 Question
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Which is the oldest known deliberate mummy discovered before the Spirit Cave mummies?

A child mummy from Egypt

A cat mummy from Egypt

An ibis mummy from Egypt

A Chinchorro mummy from Chile

6 Question
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According to the OED, a "mummy" is defined as:

A body desiccated by exposure to sun or air

A frozen carcass imbedded in prehistoric snow

The body of a human or animal embalmed as a preparation for burial

A substance used in medieval medicine

7 Question
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Which zoologist defined a mummy as “A human or animal body desiccated by exposure to sun or air”?

Richard Hakluyt

Francis Trevelyan Buckland

Charles Darwin

Carl Linnaeus

8 Question
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What was the original meaning of the term "mummia" in medieval medicine?

The process of embalming

A medicinal preparation made from the substance of mummies

The embalmed corpse itself

The bituminous substance used for embalming

9 Question
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When did the structured scientific study of mummies begin?

Early 19th century

Late 19th century

Early 20th century

Late 20th century

10 Question
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What was the first modern scientific examination of a mummy?

The use of chemical analyses on Egyptian mummies

The first X-ray of a mummy

The First World Congress on Mummy Studies

The analysis of Tutankhamun's mummy