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Lou Gehrig

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lou gehrig

Jelentése Lou Gehrig

A former American Baseballer who played for the New York Yankees team as a first baseman.

Szinonimák Lou Gehrig

Wiki tartalma Lou Gehrig

Lou Gehrig - Henry Louis Gehrig (born Heinrich Ludwig Gehrig; June 19, 1903 – June 2, 1941) was an American professional baseball first baseman who played 17 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the
Lou Gehrig Memorial Award - The Lou Gehrig Memorial Award is given annually to a Major League Baseball (MLB) player who best exhibits the character and integrity of Lou Gehrig, both on the field and off it.
Loughrigg Fell - Loughrigg Fell is a hill in the central part of the English Lake District. It stands on the end of the long ridge coming down from High Raise over Silver How towards Ambleside, and is separat
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Példák egy mondatban

Hawking has a form of the progressive neurological disease called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease), and uses a voice
The technology that helped resurrect the life of Stephen Hawking after the physicist was stricken by Lou Gehrig's disease
President Barack Obama has officially been challenged to participate in the popular Ice Bucket Challenge campaign to raise money for research into Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, better known as ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease, CNN wrote Monday
Cytokinetics' President & CEO Robert Blum Receives 2014 Lou Gehrig Iron Horse Award From ALS Therapy Development ...
Jeter, Mattingly attend Lou Gehrig benefit dinner for ALS
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