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Megtanulják, hogyan kell kiejteni cycle


Figyelj cycle kiejtés
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(9 szavazatok száma)
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Kiejtés cycle 5 audio mutatása
Figyelj cycle kiejtés 1
44 értékelések
Figyelj cycle kiejtés 2
43 értékelések
Figyelj cycle kiejtés 3
2 értékelések
Figyelj cycle kiejtés 4
0 értékelés
Figyelj cycle kiejtés 5
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IPA valamint Fonetikus helyesírás
ipa : saɪkl
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cycle fonetikus írásmódja

sahy-kuh l

Jelentése cycle

pass through a cycle
a periodically repeated sequence of events
ride a motorcycle
recur in repeating sequences
an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs
Térkép több kevesebb Jelentése

Szinonimák cycle

Tudjon meg többet a szót, "cycle" az eredetét, alternatív formák használata a Wikiszótár.

Példák egy mondatban

2008 Taipei Cycle: Interview with Fma International about the design of "Champion Cheongsam"
Figyelj 2008 Taipei Cycle: Interview with Fma International about the design of "Champion Cheongsam" kiejtés
2008 TaiSPO & Taipei Cycle: A reunion with more opportunities
2008 Tour de Taiwan, TaiSPO, and Taipei Cycle: 3-in-1 preview
Iran will continue work on nuclear fuel cycle
One dead after bus and bicycle crash in Hampshire, England
Térkép több kevesebb Mondat

Fordítások cycle

Trend hír cycle

Top 5 revenue cycle management stories of 2019
Physician specialties that generate the most revenue for hospitals and Medicare payment rules were among the healthcare revenue cycle management topics that piqued the interest of readers th..Cikk megtekintése
Becker's Hospital Review Becker's Hospital Review
Hydro Cycle: Spin Class in a Pool
A suburban Chicago fitness center has moved its spin class into the pool, to offer an innovative, low-impact workout called Hydro Cycle. Riders like the underwater European workout because t..Cikk megtekintése
abc13.com abc13.com
Can't-Miss Play: Damien Williams uses spin cycle on 84-YARD TD run
Kansas City Chiefs running back Damien Williams rushes for an 84-yard touchdown vs. the Los Angeles Chargers. This game is streaming live on the Yahoo Sports mobile app, or on CBS
Revenue Cycle Management Market Research Report 2019 Global Industry Growth and Key Manufacturers Analysis
Dec 27, 2019 (Hitech News Daily via COMTEX) -- The recent research report on the global Revenue Cycle Management market presents the latest industry data and future trends, allowing you to r..Cikk megtekintése
MarketWatch MarketWatch
Friday Five: What we learned in the 2020 cycle
At various points of the cycle, Nebraska showed the ability to shut down a recruitment and win a big recruiting battle. There were certainly a few losses, but at least to me it seems like mo..Cikk megtekintése
247 Sports 247 Sports
Térkép több kevesebb Hírek

Hozzáadás cycle részletek

Antonímák a cycle

Hogyan kell kiejteni anomalous?

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