What is the scientific name for Seahorse?
Where do seahorses shelter?
seagrass beds
coral reefs
all the mentioned
Which two species of seahorse live in the Mediterranean Sea?
H. hippocampus
H. guttulatus
A and B
B only
What is the size of the seahorse?
1.5 to 17 inches
0.8 to 14 inches
1.8 to 13 inches
2.8 to 34 inches
Which fin in a seahorse helps propel itself by swimming upright?
Anal fin
Adipose fin
Membrane fin
Dorsal fins
What is the use of pectoral fins in seahorses?
Webbed glove
Which of the seahorses carry offspring?
Female seahorses
Male seahorses
Zebra seahorse
Tyro seahorse
What is the gestation period for seahorses?
30 days
25 days
45 days
70 days
Say Yes or No.
Do all seahorses have a pouch?
What is the most endangered seahorse?
West African seahorse
Barbour's seahorse
Knysna seahorse
Giraffe seahorse
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